UICA Hosts an Iftar Dinner for Valley-wide Interfaith leaders and Non-Muslim Community Members
This past Tuesday, April 26th, the United Islamic Center of Arizona had the pleasure of inviting a variety of non-Muslims for an Iftar Dinner inside our beautiful mosque. Among the attendees were Christians, Bhuddists, and other prominent faith leaders within the community that cherish both the people and the atmosphere at our UICA. We also had leaders from the Arizona Faith Network, Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona, and Multifaith Neighbors Network join the evening event.
It was a truly beautiful and heartwarming event, as so many faiths gathered and shared a meal within the walls of our musalla during the blessed month of Ramadan. Adding to the already harmonious conversations between the individuals, UICA leaders spoke about the importance of diversity within religious communities as well as how to properly make use of it. Sister Simra Maheen from UICA’s youth committee welcomed the guests and elequntly spoke about the events and the role of UICA within the community at large. Our very own Imam Didmar Faja ended with a fascinating talk about the true essence of Ramadan, which was extremely valuable to our non-Muslim guests. The night ended with our visitors kindly observing the Isha Prayer service and appreciating the time they spent with us.
UICA looks forward to hosting more events like this in the future. Diversity is not foreign to our mosque, and we must continue to work with it and prosper with all the communities that we are home to. Not only that, but we must present a diverse set of open arms to our non-Muslim brothers and sister as they strive to learn more about our Islam.