1) Volunteer Training EventAs salam alaykum dear friends and community members,
With the recent influx of refugees joining the Arizona Muslim community, there is an immediate need for our members to step-up and volunteer their time to support these vulnerable families. Between both the Phoenix and Tucson communities, we are currently hosting up to 800 individuals, and counting. Resettlement agencies are doing their best to support the needs of these families, but cannot do so alone. They are looking to communities, especially ours, to help!
Many volunteer opportunities do not require a lot of time, but make a huge impact on a refugee family’s life and experience. Without community helpers, these newly resettled families are often left feeling isolated and disconnected, especially from the community at large. Please step up and help us help them!
This volunteer training webinar for adults ages 18 and older, will prepare and allow you to participate in opportunities that interface directly with refugee families. Every adult attending the zoom session is required to register for the certification (even if using one link to join the webinar in the same household). Register for this webinar at: https://tinyurl.com/2p8pcf9w . 2) Charity Staffing
Our refugee families are desperate to find jobs and stand on their own feet! Contact our Refugee Task Force partner and member, Charity Staffing, with any leads you might have for employment opportunities!3) HousingAre you a landlord, real estate agent, or community member with connections to affordable housing? Please contact us with any information you have so we can get our refugee families out of the hotels and into affordable and safe homes!4) PCs for Refugees
Donate your computers, tablets, phones, or electronics whether they are working or not! PCs for Refugees will either fix them, or use their parts and put them to good use. For more information on our partner non-profit visit: www.PCsForRefugees.orgor contact Shahana: 614-414-2235. 5) Bicycles
6) Sewing Machines7) Essentials
8) Clothes9) Furniture & Household ItemsTo schedule furniture donation, please fill out the donation form: https://tinyurl.com/492dzxkx 10) Check out this Sign-Up Genius link for more opportunities to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/ 20f084fa9a72ea5ff2-support