As part of our dedication to this community, we strive to keep you up to date with the latest events, announcements and future planning ideas. This past Saturday, November 18th, the UICA Board of Directors held its first annual retreat which included Some hours of planning. Our goals at this included discussion items such as: reviewing our current bylaws and updating as necessary, drafting a Board Code of Ethics and planning out the religious and non-religious community events for 2018.
We were very pleased to not only thoroughly complete all 3 topics, but also were able to benefit from a training on Management techniques, from Dr. Essam Mahmoud. We also were able to enjoy time together relaxing, sharing meals and building each other up. It was a great opportunity to bond as a Board.
The Board at the UICA is dedicated to this Community and seeing it grow, not only numerically, but more importantly, spiritually. We are passionate and excited about serving this community. All we do is in service to Allah (swt) and by His will, this beautiful community will continue to flourish. We have many exciting events planned for the upcoming year and look forward to not only sharing information about them with you as the time draws closer, but also spending this time with you as a community. We will continue to work together for the sake of Allah (swt), standing side by side with you.
Hamza Boisse
UICA Secretary